**NEW Community Engagement Page
Buy a "RUTLAND STRONG" T-Shirt to support the Rutland Residents Association. (T-Shirt page)
Do you have any ideas you would like to share?
The Rutland Residents Association's was incorporated as a society in 1994, although it existed before then, and is operated and governed by a Constitution & Bylaws. Quote: "It's purpose is to promote the interests of the residents of Rutland, including the improvement of quality of their lives and quality of the environment. Also to proactively facilitate dialogue and interaction with; the City of Kelowna, the RDCO, other levels of government, and other persons. The Association endeavours to ensure that the concerns of Rutland residents are considered in the City's, RDCO's, and other government's decision making process." Source: https://rutlandresidentsassociation.ca/2017_Constitution_and_Bylaws_of_the_RRA.pdf
The Rutland Residents Association regularly hosts Town Hall meetings for Rutland residents to safely express their concerns and ask questions of community influencers, Kelowna city staff, etc. The Rutland Residents Associations meets with Rutland stakeholders, to share the opinions and needs expressed to the Association by Rutland residents. When warranted the Rutland Residents Association has written to Provincial government Ministers and departments, the Premier, Municipal Councillors, and others regarding concerns which affect our Rutland Community. The Association takes the well being of Rutland residents very seriously. For the last two years in June the Rutland Residents Association has hosted a Rutland Community Picnic at the Rutland Centennial Park. This was with the support of Kelowna Active Living staff and this year with financial support from the Central Okanagan Foundation. The Rutland Residents Association has successfully hosted an All Candidates Forum for the last four elections, these have always been well attended and valued as a place for residents to talk face to face with candidates. The last All Candidates Forum was accomplished with the support of the Uptown Rutland Business Association, SD23, and many of our community volunteers.
The Rutland Residents Association Event information can be found here: https://rutlandresidentsassociation.ca/events.html
The Rutland Residents Association is always looking for new members but the association represents residents of Rutland whether they are members or not.
is our Application for Membership if you would like to support us (The
Membership fee is waived from September 2023 until the January 2024 AGM: https://rutlandresidentsassociation.ca/application_for_membership2022.pdf
With the City Map Viewer if you un-click other options the map will become more focused on showing only the Sector Maps.
We are working on getting a static map with labeled street
names to add to the website.
Meantime for reference to a recent question: Those living on Sylvania Cres
are within the Rutland Residents
Association Boundaries.