
Do you have any ideas you would like to share? Contact the RRATech


General Monthly Meeting dates and times on occasion do change please check the Meetings page.

JUNE 9th 2024 / 12 noon - 4:00 pm Rutland Centennial Park


Rutland Residents Community Celebration
- Hosted by the Rutland Residents Association.
Everyone is welcome to attend, this will be a celebration of the Rutland Community .
    Live Music ... Old Time Fiddlers, Jazz with Peggy Lee, Hibiscus Belly Dancers, Bei Dou Group
    Face Painting  ... always a hit
    Games for kids
    Gathering of Residents to have fun and get to meet each other in a friendly and safe atmosphere
We are also looking for volunteers in general to help with this event. If you are interested please contact vicepresident@rutlandresidentsassociation.ca put Volunteer for Rutland Community Celebration in the Subject field of the email.


Parks Alive! “Sing Along Covers”

Rutland Centennial Park 190 McIntosh Rd, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Kiwanis Family Thursdays

6:00 PM – 6:45 PM Room to Dance (Variety; Duo)

7:00 PM – 7:45 PM iNSTARiO (Rock/Pop ; 5pc)

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM NFA (Variety; 4pc)

JUNE 11, 2023

Rutland Annual Spring Picnic
Rutland Centennial Park (by the Stage)
12:00 noon - 4:00 pm 
* Live Music/Entertainment
* Games For Children
* Game Prizes
* Chairs and Tables
Bring Your Own Picnic Lunch
Water and Chips provided

Town Hall: Community Safety & Policing in Rutland

Hosted by the Rutland Residents Association

Monday, April 17th 2023 6:30 pm
150 Gray Rd

 Colleen Cornock
(Kelowna Community Safety Service Manager), Cst.
Michael Kube
(RCMP Community Safety)

Our guests will present topical information regarding Community Safety with a focus on the concerns of Rutland Residents.

To begin our guests will describe who they are, the actions being taken for Community Safety in Rutland, and actions the community can take, such as how to report trouble. We have provided our guests with some of the concerns which the Rutland Residents Association hears and we look forward to their response.
  • Pre submitted questions are prefered but part of the program will allow respectful questions from the audience.
  • Be aware our guests will only be answering questions related to Community Safety.
  • As always at our Town Hall meetings we expect respect for all who attend. 
  • People who use disrespectful actions or discussion will be escorted out of the building.
Questions? Contact:
 Lynn J.: (president@rutlandresidentsassociation.ca)
  Lorena M.: (vicepresident@rutlandresidentsassociation.ca)

( Town Hall Flyer )

We hope to see you all there :)

Rutland Residents Assoc. AGM

January  16, 2023 
150 Gray Rd (Maday Senior's Centre) 
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 
New Members are always welcome

---------- 2022 EVENTS -----------

Wednesday September 28, 2022
Municipal Election 2022

(Free to the Public)
  Rutland Residents Association Questionnaire and Answers
(click on the link above to go to the answers.)

The Rutland Residents Association (www.rutlandresidentsassociation.ca) will be hosting it's Third Municipal Election All Candidates Forum on September 28, 2022 at the Hollywood Rd Education Centre Gym (1040 Hollywood Rd S) from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. All Kelowna Municipal Candidates for Mayor and for Council have been invited.

Each candidate will have a table assigned to them to display their information and to talk individually with voters who can ask questions important to them. Voters will be able to go from table to table connecting with candidates as they wish.

The Rutland Residents Association is also working on a questionnaire for the candidates to be emailed and responded to prior to the event. They are accepting questions from the public to add to this questionnaire, send your questions to vicepresident@rutlandresidentsassociation.ca

Voters go to the polls in Kelowna and across the province on Saturday, October 15. Everyone please get out there and exercise your right to vote.

Sunday June 12, 2022

Come out and meet your Rutland neighbours.
Everyone Welcome
Centennial Park beside the Firehall, near the Centennial Park archway and stage.

* Thank You To Everyone Who Came Out To Enjoy and Celebrate RUTLAND
* Thank you also to the Telus Volunteers, and Volunteers from the Rutland Residents Association Who Helped Make This Happen.
* A Special Thank you to the City of Kelowna Strong Neighbourhoods, Tanya and Aimee for helping guide us through this 1st picnic event.

----------  2021 EVENTS ----------- 

Monday  November 15, 2021

Rutland Residents Association AGM
Monday November 14, 2021
150 Gray Rd (Maday Senior's Centre) 
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 
New Members are welcome.

October 18, 2021

The Rutland Residents Association will host an Open Discussion (Roundtable) open to all residents of Rutland (members and non members).
Bring your ideas, concerns, and questions on zoning, crime/safety, etc. We are looking for your input going forward within out mandate.  Flyer 

February 2021 Meeting with CMHA at McCurdy Place

Rutland Residents Association representatives, Lynn and Sharlene, met with the CMHA Team to view McCurdy Place and ask questions, the next week Tania and Chris were able to do the same.

The following is a summary of those meetings:
Summary of Meeting (.pdf)     
Brochure about McCurdy Place from CMHA including Who to Call information.

--------  2020 EVENTS --------- 
November / December Seasonal Events in Rutland

Fitzpatrick Rd Lights - Wonderful display of seasonal lights.

Candy Cane Lane: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm every evening Nov - Dec  (10th year) - 60+ houses on Collison Rd, Gramiak Rd, and Mary's Court, but other houses and streets in the area are also lighting up. There is No Charge but there is a donation bin at Gramiak and Collison for non perishable food for the Kelowna Women's Shelter and Freedom's Door Men's addiction recovery program. Lights are on 5 pm - 8 pm. If anyone knows of some people in their bubble who can't drive, this is a great evemt to drive slowly by.
Christmas Parade: Dec 19, 4 pm - 8 pm - Decorated cars and trailers will travel through Central Downtown, Glenmore Rd, Rutland, and Candy Cane Lane. The parade will be raising funds for Mamas to Mamas. Gently used clothing, new/used toys, and non perishible food also accepted.

2020 Provincial Election Saturday October 24, 2020 8:00 am - 8:00 pm  (Pacific Time). Advance voting starts on October 15, 2020 more details at the link below:
Candidates and Voting Information    
Monday 19, 2020 11:00 am
Meeting to discuss fundraising opportunities and ideas. All who are interested in helping us with this are welcome to join us.

The regular monthly meeting is still on the 19th at 6:30 pm.


Community Safety in Areas Surrounding Supportive Housing
Meet the Director of Community Safety and Crime Prevention, Darren Caul. Go to the link above for more detail.

March 9th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
150 Gray Rd (Maday Senior's Centre)

Rutland Middle School (RMS) Town Hall

This is a Public Meeting open to everyone.
Several school trustees will be available to answer questions.
November 25th, 2019
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
150 Gray Rd (Maday Senior's Center, across from Salvation Army)

Limited seating available
(First come First Serve)

Admission by donation
(1/2 to Rutland Residents Association, 1/2 to Maday Society for Seniors)
This is a Public Meeting
The Impact of Low Barrier Supportive Housing in Rutland
September 14th, 2019
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
150 Gray Rd (Maday Senior's Center, across from Salvation Army)
Limited seating available
Admission by donation
(1/2 to Rutland Residents Association, 1/2 to Maday Society for Seniors)

Guest Speakers
Keynote Speaker: Audra Boudreau
(4000+ signatures on petition)
Other speakers to be announced

Following the speakers there will be an open forum to discuss residents questions and concerns. It will be moderated by the Rutland Residents Association chairperson Peter Paglioccini.

Summer Break
, no regular meetings in June and July.
June 27, 2019
Rutland Residents Association meeting will include a discussion about Supportive Housing being built in Rutland.
Rutland residents who are non members are always welcome.
March 21, 2019
Representatives from John Howard Society and from BC Housing will speak at the Rutland Residents Association meeting.

ALL Rutland residents are welcome.

The March 21st, 2019 meeting will start at 5:30 pm. After regular business the speakers from the John Howard Society and BC Housing will speak about the McIntosh Rd Supportive Housing Development.


The Oct 18th, 2018
Rutland Residents Association meeting will include a presentation about Proportional Representation at the end of the meeting.


Civic Election 2018 All Candidates Forum

Rutland Centennial Hall, 180 Rutland Rd N
Tuesday October 2nd, 2108

7:00 pm
Parking on Roxby Rd
due to construction in front of The Centennial Hall
List of Candidates 
from the city website will open in a new window.

The Rutland Residents Association will host a public forum for the upcoming Kelowna Civic Election Candidates and School Trustee Candidates on October 2, Tuesday at 7 p.m., at the Rutland Centennial Hall.

The format for the forum will be a general assembly where each candidate for mayor, council and school board trustee will be set up at a designated area within the hall. The public will be able to meet each candidate on a personal level, with each candidate set up at their own table to answer questions.

Contact person:
Sharlene Drohomereski - Rutland Residents Association Secretary

Candidates may direct an email to secretary@rutlandresidentsassociation.ca or call 250-807-5988 to register.

If you would like to help us spread the word about the Forum please download a Flyer and Display it where the public can see it.
All Candidates Forum Flyer

Download the Information Sheet for the All Candidates Forum


A special thank you goes out to the Rutland Parks Society for generously providing the Hall and for advertising the event as well the Uptown Rutland Business Association for logistic and advertising support.
