John Huston
News Archive
John and Evelyn Vielvoye Retire after 21 years of service to the Rutland Residents Association.

November 2, 2016

Rutland Residents Association hosts discussion on ‘Amalgamation of Water Districts’ information meeting.
May 1, 2016

To view the minutes from the meeting please click here Rutland RA, April 21 meeting minutes from Water Amalgamation Meeting
Guests Mr. Gordon Ivans, trustee Black Mountain Irrigation District
Mr. Garry Zarr, trustee Rutland Waterworks
Mr. Ivans and Mr. Zarr referred to the Kelowna Joint Water Committee (KJWC). This is a coordinating organization for the five water utilities that operate within the City of Kelowna. It was formed in 1991 to promote standardization of methods and materials, improve communication and to provide an integrated approach to water supply within City Boundaries. The five utilities include: the City of Kelowna Water Utility (City), the Black Mountain Irrigation District (BMID), the Glenmore-Ellison Improvement District (GEID), Rutland Waterworks District (RWD), and the South East Kelowna Irrigation District (SEKID).
Comments amalgamation of the water districts with the City of Kelowna.
- A 300 page report outlining the Kelowna Integrated Water Supply-Plan (KIWS Plan) is a City-wide water improvement plan for all of Kelowna that provides overall water quality solutions regardless of utility boundaries or available resources. The plan was prepared in 2012 by a technical committee representing the five largest Kelowna water utilities. The plan was agreed to by the City of Kelowna ( Mayor Walter Gray) and the major water providers (BMID, RWW, GEID, SEKID). The City would be the vehicle for grant applications by individual districts.
- The City now no longer supports the KIWS Plan and has prepared its own separate hypothesis plan. As a result of this turn around by the City there are now mediation discussions to set terms of reference for a value planning process overseen by Hon. Peter Fassbender representing the Province and two consultants Mr. George Abbott and Mr. Chris Trumpy hired by the Province. Mr. Trumpy is working with the City and Mr. Abbott is working with the four other major water providers.
- The water districts and the City are meeting with provincial government mediators to work out terms of reference and a process for value planning, which is a third party review of planning for proposed new water projects.
- The governance structure for an amalgamated water body is a contentious issue and is not part of the discussions, and is not supported by the four major water providers.
- .BMID, RWW and GEID water districts have completed many millions of dollars of infrastructure work on behalf of their ratepayers to meet health standards. The districts are not allowed to apply for grants for projects that are in progress. Infrastructure grants for water projects may be available to the City The City wants control of those funds and wants control of the allocation of those funds to various projects.
- BMID, RWW, GEID have compliance water systems and meet health standards and would not benefit from an amalgamated water body. They are not eligible for grants for projects that have already started. The SEKID system is the one that the most needs help. SEKID has a large agriculture component and needs a dual system for domestic and agriculture use. SEKID lacks the population base to upgrade their system using their own funds and would need help to raise the estimated 24 million or more through grants and from other water districts.
- The Ellison area is part of the GEID but this area is outside the City. At the present time the City would not support funding any projects in that area.
- Value planning needs to be done.
- Treasury Board in Ottawa has not figured out how grant money will flow.
- RWW and BMID are interconnected and support each other.
- The BMID and RWW reservoirs are full to capacity as a result of a large snow pack. Water resources for BMID and RRW are secure and adequate.
- The governance structure of an amalgamated water authority is not presently under discussion. The City wants to take over control all water supplies in the districts. At the moment the trustees do not know where a discussion dealing with governance is going; how it would work, etc. Should the Regional District be involved?
- Residents are also concerned that the City would, if it had control or our water, sell water rights and water to outside sources.
- The City does not have legal powers to force amalgamation of the water districts with the City. That power lies with the province. The premier has stated that the Province will not force amalgamation.
- The meeting did not vote on the issue of amalgamation as this was an information meeting, but residents in attendance expressed their satisfaction with the current water supplies provided by RWW and BMID and actions of the trustees. Those in attendance did not support amalgamation with the City.
- It was suggested that the RRA write a letter to Hon. Fassbender indicating support for RWW and BMID and their efforts on behalf of their ratepayers as well as a lack of support for amalgamation of water districts with the City.
This part of the meeting adorned at 7:40 PM for 10 minutes to permit guests who did not want to stay for the continuation of the regular meeting to leave.
John Huston
‘What’s Going On’ regarding the Proposed Amalgamation of the Water Districts in the City of Kelowna. Presentation and Discussion Apr 21 for Rutland Residents.
April 12, 2016

Remember this?
April 11, 2016

NE Corner of Hwy 33 and Rutland Road 2015, shown above.. Same Corner in April 2016

AG Superstore 43 years in Rutland
September 20,2015

AG Superstore (160 Dougal Road North), in Business for 43 years in Rutland. Serving Kelowna from 1977 to 2015, will be closing its doors this fall.
After 43 years of doing business in Rutland, AG Superstore is closing its doors. For a number of years, AG Superstore was the only Outdoor Store in Kelowna. Throughout its history the AG Superstore had adapted to change. In the late 70’s and early 80’s the store was a place where you could find bargains, from damaged food cans to discontinued goods, and also clothing products that came from container sales on the coast. AG Superstore was then located near the corner of Hwy 33 and Rutland Road, (near the area where the MCC Thrift Store is now located). There were regular customers always checking in to see what the latest bargains were. The store later evolved to became more of a Surplus Store, selling tents and Army Surplus goods.
Audry Gasser, who owns the store with her son Randy, adds ” that it was important to have space in your store to keep inventory, and we made sure we had space keep large purchases that we could sell.” Audry’s eyes dance as she talks about the store during the 1970’s. “Our clothing racks were displaying the latest fashions on the sidewalk outside the store, Ohhh it was wonderful! I would have music playing, and bell bottom jeans would be on the rack outside. The breeze would blow the legs of the jeans like they were dancing, and I would be dancing too!” Randy said that they had to adapt in the mid 1980’s, as the tents they were selling (Red 5’x7′ tents and other items), were being outsold by cheaper goods that were coming from Japan at larger department stores. It was around then that Laurie Gasser came on board with her mom and brother. Laurie (accountant and an avid hiker) helped the family transition into focusing on the outdoor enthusiast, with more selection of hiking products and the addition of canoes and kayaks.

The Gasser family, from Left to Right: Laurie, Randy, and Audry – Standing at the checkout desk of AG Superstore. Cooper, (front row) is the latest addition to the staff.
During the early 80’s, the Gassers bought land on Dougal Road, and built a new building to house AG Superstore, to where it now stands today. An architect helped design the building which gives it a nice outdoor store ambiance. Many shoppers will also remember Don Raesler (sales staff) who would assist with his knowledge of the gear. Don has been with AG for 13 years. “As a kid he was always coming into our store. He knew everything about our products, and when we were needing help we decided to hire him”.
Whether it is retirement or just wanting to make a change, don’t be surprised if Audry and family start another venture and AG Superstore reinvents itself in some other form. Audry is full of spunk and energy that rivals that of people a quarter her age.
I will miss AG Superstore. I would buy gear, shoes, camping odds and ends, sleeping bags, foam, flashlights, knifes, and clothing. I enjoyed the the customer service and the friendly atmosphere. AG Superstore is a perfect example of a locally owned family business that added value and diversity to our local economy. I feel a sadness with the knowing that AG Superstore is closing down as the Gassers turn the page to another chapter in their lives. I wish we could have more businesses like theirs in our city. I will remember well when I have to drive to other outdoor stores much further away ..that lovely locally owned Outdoor Store that was so close to home. Blessings and best wishes to you.
John Huston
====================The Future of the Corner of Highway 33 and Rutland Road, discussion with Development CEO Gary Tebbutt, April 16 at the Rutland Centennial Hall, 7:00 pm.
April 16, 2015

What will be the future of the Empty Lot at the corner of hwy 33 and Rutland Road? Compass Real Estate Development CEO Gary Tebbutt will be at Thursdays Meeting to discuss future plans for the highly visible corner lot.
The Rutland Residents Association will have Compass Real Estate Development CEO Gary Tebbutt at our April 16 RRA General meeting at the Rutland Centennial Hall at 7:00 pm. The NE corner of Rutland Road and Highway 33 has long been a subject of great interest many Rutland Residents. What ever plans that will be put forward will have a very significant impact on the image and identity of Rutland. Again due to work commitments I will not be able to chair Thursdays meeting and John V will stand in as Chair.
Our Revised Constitution and Bylaws have been updated at the last few meetings. We have filed the changes to the BC Registry for Society’s and the bylaws are now official.. You can view the latest Bylaws by clicking here 2015 Constitutions and Bylaws of the RRAThe minutes of last months meeting can be viewed by clicking here 2015 March 19 RRA meeting minutes
John Huston
President RRA
====================Heritage Project Priorities to be discussed at ne xt Residents Association Meeting
March 19, 2015
There are a number of Historical Projects that are underway in the City. The Rutland Residents Association will meet to identify discuss and give their input to project priorities at the Mar 19th Regular Meeting of the Residents Association. Meeting is at the Rutland Centennial Hall, Thursday Mar 19, 2014. Peter Chataway will be our special guest to speak and assist the Association with the inventory and history of various heritage projects. The minutes for the Feb 19th meeting are here RRA Minutes 2015 02 19 I will not be able to chair the meeting due to work commitments, standing in will be John Vielvoye.

St Aiden’s Church, corner of Rutland Rd and Mugford Rd, One of the Historical Sites to be discussed.
The Rutland Residents Association was active recently in promoting our Heritage and History at Heritage Week (Feb 16-22). Our Association hosted a breakfast at the First United Church on Bernard Ave which was well attended. Rutland was also represented by the Association (in conjunction with the Heritage Society), with a display at the Royal Ann Hotel. Rutland Volunteers were; Ola Casan, Jill Siebert, John & Evelyn Vielvoye. Danita Lischka, Andrew Powell, Peter Pagliocchini, Shirley Schmidt, Ev & John Vielvoye.

John Vielvoye and Andrew Powel

Danita (left), Evelyn Vielvoye (middle) and Shirley Schmidt (right)

Peter Pagliocchini, Christina, Marguerite, John Vielvoye

Bernard. Shirley Schmidt, Evelyn
City Purchases Centennial Park, Agenda for tonights RRA General Meeting Feb 19th, Minutes for the 2015 AGM
February 19, 2015

Members of the Rutland Residents Association were on hand at the information session Wednesday, Feb. 18 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Rutland Centennial. At the session we had an opportunity to express our views and to give feedback to the City in order to help prioritize future park amenities. City staff were available to answer questions, and Ryan Donn, City Councillor, also attended the event. You can view the presentation material by clicking here: 2015_Rutland_Centinneal_ParkOpenHouse_Panels
Exert from City of Kelowna press release regarding the purchase of Centennial Hall :
The City of Kelowna has officially acquired Rutland Centennial Park as part of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Rutland Park Society:
“We are pleased to have come to a mutually beneficial agreement with the Rutland Park Society to protect and rejuvenate Centennial Park now and for generations to come,” said Mayor Basran. “This historical landmark will continue to serve the area and add to the vibrancy of the Rutland Town Centre.”
An immediate investment of $400,000 is underway for the design and construction of a full size grass soccer field and is expected to be available to park users by spring 2016.
The $800,000 purchase of the park and right-of-way through the existing parking lot adjacent to Centennial Hall will accommodate the future expansion of transit services and extension of Shepherd Road to Rutland roads.
“The proceeds received by the Rutland Park Society will be reinvested into the aging Centennial Hall to bring it up to current building code requirements so it can be better utilized by the community,” said Rutland Park Society president, Todd Sanderson. “As a society we are very excited to have this deal done as not only will the park be improved, but we can now also improve the hall so that it can once again be a focal point for local celebrations and events.”
Anticipated Park Schedule for 2015
March – June 2015
- Demolition / Removal of caretaker’s house, garage, outdoor stage, storage building, playground
- Hazardous tree assessment and removals
- Preparation of contract drawings and tender packageMay 15 to 18
- Rutland May Days CelebrationJune – September
- Tender of Phase 1 park improvements
- Installation of irrigation and grading of soccer field
- Seeding of soccer fieldOpening of the soccer field for
public use is scheduled for spring of 2016.
Financial Considerations
The build out the park will be part of a larger capital budget planning process. Once the community preferences are identified, next steps will determine budget and reviewed as part of the City’s 10-Year Capital Plan.
Related link: Our Rutland Initiative (sorry this link is no longer available on the City of Kelowna website.)
You can view the Agenda for Feb 19 General Meeting here; RRA Agenda 2015 02 19 , We will be making a few changes to our bylaws, you can view the proposed changes here: By law changes Feb 29
You can view the minutes for the AGM held last month here :Annual General Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the Last General Meeting, Dec 08 2014 (last month we had AGM) RRA Minutes 2014 12 08 dec 8 Minutes Rutland Residents Association-1
(image lion's park) <== create thumbnailPhoto: panoramic of Lions Park Rutland; taken Feb 15 2015
Whats your favorite used bookstore in Kelowna? Flip Flop Books just became mine.
February 13, 2015

I was out for a walk and dropped into Flip Flop Books. I had walked by a few times and would make mental notes to visit and see what its all about. I loved it. This is a very clean, very organized bookstore. There is a reading area (above) that invites you to stay a while.
Flip Flop Books is the fulfillment of a desire that goes back to the early years of the proprietor. The owner, Heather can be seen reading books outside the entrance enjoying the sun. She is a prolific reader and has a great knowledge of books.
Flip Flop Books is located on Gray Road (Behind the Rutland Coopers). If you have a chance drop in, you will enjoy the ambiance,
and friendly staff.

Take Part in Kelowna’s Heritage Week, Feb 15-22
February 13, 2015
Heritage Week in the Central: List of Events
*all events are by donation unless otherwise stated

Sunday February 15, 2015
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Flowing Values: The Evolution of Water Governance with Dr.
John Janmaat, Creekside Theater, Lake Country
Monday February 16, 2015
8:00 am
Heritage Week Kick-off Breakfast – w/ Special Guest Julie
Location: First United Church of Kelowna – 721 Bernard
Sponsored by COHS & Rutland Residents Association
9:15 am
Talk & Tour of First United Church
Location: First United Church of Kelowna – 721 Bernard
Sponsored by COHS & Rutland Residents Association
Tuesday February 17, 2015
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heritage Week Display
Location: Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Bannock & Tea
Location: SənsísyustənHouse of Learning – 1920 Quail Lane,
Sponsored by the Sncəwips Heritage Museum
Wednesday February 18, 2015
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heritage Week Display
Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
12:00 pm
Lunchbox Lecture Series with Bob Hayes (Okanagan Heritage
Location: Okanagan Regional Library – Kelowna Branch – 1380
Ellis Street
11:30 am – 1:10 pm
That’s SWAC: Introducing the Suk’ʷtəmsqilxʷ West Kelowna
Arts Council
$20 admission
Must RSVP by Tuesday 17 Feb.
Call (250) 768 3378 to RSVP
Location: The Cove Lakeside Resort – 4205 Gellatly Road,
West Kelowna
Hosted by the Greater Westside Board of Trade
Central Okanagan Heritage Society AGM & Annual Heritage
Location: Benvoulin Heritage Church – 2279 Benvoulin Road
Thursday February 19, 2015
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heritage Week Display
Location: Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Inspired Word Café
Location: Okanagan Heritage Museum – 470 Queensway
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Business after Hours @ the Westbank Museum
$10 per person (free for members of the Greater Westside
Board of Trade)
Location: Westbank Museum – 2376 Dobbin Road
Friday February 20, 2015
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heritage Week Display
Location: Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
Saturday February 21, 2015
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heritage Week Display
Location: Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Passport thru time
Starts at the Royal Anne Hotel – 348 Bernard Avenue
Sponsored by the Central Okanagan Heritage Week Committee
2:00PM – 4:00PM
Heritage Week Windup Tea
Location: The Heritage Retirement Residence -3630 Brown Road
Sunday February 22, 2015
1:00 pm – 4:00pm
Heritage Tea w/ special guests Sharron Simpson & Alice
Lundy (starting at 3pm)
Location: TBA
Lake Country Museum and 6 others like this.
Lorri Dauncey
The COHS AGM and Heritage Awards will be at the Benvoulin
Heritage Church where it has been held for the past 30 or so
Edited · 2 · Hide · Monday at 10:55pm
1 reply
Rutland Residents Association
Below: Photo of Rutland Train Station loading apples from McLean and Fitzpatrick Packing House, 1934

Annual General Meeting, Elections, Jan 22 2015. Meet Kelowna Councilor Tracy Gray
January 22, 2015
The RRA Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday January 22 2015, 7:30pm at the Rutland Centennial Hall. Our Guest will be Tracy Gray, newly elected Councilor to our Kelowna City Council. We will also hold elections for the 2015 Association Executive.
You can download the minutes for the last general meeting here:2014 12 RRA General Meeting Minutes See you there at the Rutland Centennial Hall at 7:30 pm. Agenda for the 2015 AGM are here Agenda RRA Annual General Meeting, Jan 22 2015 v2, and you can download the minutes for last years AGM here: Minutes RRA AGM 2014 02 20
Success !! Great Turnout for the All Candidates Forum Hosted by Rutland Residents Association
December 5, 2014
We are very pleased with the success of the 2014 Rutland All Candidates Forum, held at the Rutland Centennial Hall, on Oct 28. The Rutland Residents Association should be proud of their of the their efforts, Job well done!
See article from Kelowna Now by Anita Sthankiya here

We would like to thank Specialty Bakery for their donation of delicious cookies, and The Rutland Parks Society for the use of the Centennial Hall, Thank you! Your generosity greatly appreciated.
The Agenda and Minutes for Dec 8, 2014 meeting cane be accessed here;
Agenda Agenda, RRA General Meeting, Dec 8 2015,
Minutes for last meeting Minutes Oct. 21, 2014
John Huston
RRA President
====================Question Guide for the All Candidates Forum
October 28, 2014
We have prepared a question guide for visitors to the All Candidates Forum Tonight, please click on the following link to see the guide All Candidates Forum visitors guide , Rutland Centenial Hall
See you there tonight!
====================All Candidates Forum, Kelowna City Council & Trustee Elections, Oct 28 7:00pm
October 3, 2014
Kelowna City Council & School Board Trustee All Candidates Forum, Oct 28
Rutland Centennial Hall, 7:OO pm -8:30 pm
The Rutland Residents Association will be hosting an All Candidates Forum for the upcoming Kelowna Municipal Elections, 7:00 pm at the Rutland Centennial Hall, (180 Rutland Rd N, Kelowna, BC). Prospective Mayor, City Councilors, and School Board Trustees will be in attendance to meet and discuss their Candidacy and Vision.
You are invited to attend and meet all prospective representatives in attendance.
The format for the forum will be a general assembly where each Mayor, Councilor or Trustee seeking election will have a designated area within the Hall. You will be able to meet each candidate on a personal level, and be free to move and meet each candidate as you please.
Those seeking election will have their own table from which they will be able to meet the public, while visitors move from table to table to meet the candidates.
Citizens will have the opportunity to personally meet candidates, and discuss the matters that are important to them, on their own timing. Mayor, Councilor and Trustee Candidates will be randomly assigned tables from which they can use to facilitate their meeting with the public.
A handout will be offered to everyone in attendance with a list of items that have been raised as significant to Kelowna and Rutland, – the list can be used as a tool to facilitate discussion.
John Huston,
President, Rutland Residents Association
For Further information contact:John Huston, President – Rutland Residents Association, 250 808-4559
John Vielvoye, Secretary – Rutland Residents Association, 250 765-7220
====================RRA General Meeting Sept 29, 2014
September 29, 2014
Welcome back, hope all had a wonderful summer. See the following link for this meetings agenda Agenda 2014 09 29 RRA General Meeting
Below: Layer Cake Mountain, is a volcanic land form composed primarily of Dacite Volcanic Rock with a high silica content. It has unique layering that has not been seen anywhere else. It seems the layers of Layer Cake Mountain are a series of lava flows with each layer representing a separate flow, modern research has proven this theory incorrect. It is now believed that the layering possibly occurred in one lava flow and the layering is due to the manner in which the flow had cooled, and the way the rock shrinks as it cools. Layer Cake Mountain is unique in the world and it is a part of Our Rutland Area. Photo taken earlier today while I was on a bicycle ride up Highway 33.

Roxby Park Design Concept, June 25, 2014 Agenda
June 26, 2014

Above is a draft drawing of the Roxby Park design concept, for the Our Rutland Project. Top of page is Highway 33, bottom of image is Roxby Parking Lot. More info at June 25th Meeting, June 25 agenda can be down loaded here, Agenda 2014 06 25 29 RRA General Meeting
On the agenda will also be discussion of the All Candidates Forum that the Rutland Residents Association will be hosting in late October or Early November. There is much happening in our area of Rutland and I expect it to be a busy summer. Also see the following press releases to be reviewed by the RRA:

RRA General Meeting, May 29 2014
May 29, 2014

The Agenda for the May 29 2014 RRA meeting can be viewed here Agenda 2014 05 29 RRA General Meeting The meeting will be held at the Rutland Centennial Hall Pool Room, 7:00 pm.
Wilfred Manning, Ex Rutland Residents Association President Passes Away:
May 29, 2014
Wilfred (Bud) Manning, Ex Rutland Residents Association President, passed away peacefully on Feb 9th 2014. Wilfred was a life-long music man first as a performer in many community bands, performing professionally with his father, followed by obtaining degrees in Music and Teaching at Wayne State University, conducting numerous bands, and teaching as a venue for one of his passions being a life coach. Other passions included bowling and the Kelowna Rockets. Wilfred served in many organizations including Ontario Band Masters Association, Canadian Band Directors Association, Canadian National Exhibition Band competitions as a participant and convener, Kelowna Jazz & Blues Society, founding the North Bay Musicians Association, founding the music program at Widdifield Secondary School as well as leading many programs at the school and with the Nipissing District Board of Education and most recently as a Canada Revenue Agency lobbyist and advocate for non-profit organizations.
May 18, 2014
‘Dig Your Neighborhood’ project digs into Rutland’s history, future

UBC’s Dig Your Neighbourhood Rutland team of student writers. Students pictured are: front row left to right: Stacy Schmidt, Jessica Klassen, Jessica Bonney, Becca MacDonald, Kelsey Andersen, Sasha Curry, Jade Hignett. Back row left to right: Harrison Crerar, Melissa Demale, Joe Dermo, Brittni MacKenzie-Dale, Nancy Holmes, Nik Vreugdenhil
UBC’s creative writing students capture
the character of historic Kelowna district.Visit thier
blog herevisit the youtube video here
Visit the youtube video here
Extracted from UBCO Eco Art Incubator, April 2014;
Imagine John Rutland, founder of the historic community bearing his name, in a Monty-Pythonesque soliloquy about his escapades. Or how about a dating guide that highlights all the local places to take a great date or ditch a bad one? Or a CD of music celebrating Rutland, a graphic novel about scary hauntings in Rutland, or a lifestyle magazine featuring fabulous homes and styles of residents?
Emerging artists from UBC are engaging Rutland in an innovative endeavour called Dig Your Neigbourhood Rutland. The UBC Okanagan initiative is driven by a creative bunch of students from the Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies. The ultimate goal of the project is to generate discussion around the cultural, historical and ecological issues of a specific geographic and cultural space.
Creative writing and visual arts students have created a limited-edition package of artworks that will be distributed to new residents of Rutland by Welcome Wagon Ltd. The public is invited to the launch of this art initiative on Saturday, April 12, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hillcrest Farm Market, 700 Highway 33 East, Kelowna. There will be refreshments, entertainment and a number of artworks will be for sale.
Students are excited about the neighbourhood dialogue and how their Dig Your Neighbourhood work will shape what Rutland newcomers need to know about their new homes.
Jessica Bonney co-authored a book of poetry about Rutland with Sarah Megan Hunter, called Daylighting. “There’s a really fabulous sense of community in Rutland,” says Bonney. “I really love coming here.”
“It was really cool to see it all come together,” says Nik Vreugdenhil, who worked on maps for a walking guide for DYN. “I learned so much, not just about the community, but in collaborating with artists and using industry-standard programs and software.”
Jessica Klassen did design work on three individual pieces, Daylighting, the walking guide, and a teen survival guidebook. “Just getting to know the character of Rutland turned out to be a fascinating experience,” she says.
Nancy Holmes, associate professor of creative writing, says Dig Your Neighbourhood is an innovative project unlike anything done anywhere else. Students learned how to write to a specific audience and how to develop a project from concept to finished product.
“Writers get to work with visual artists and they get a sense of their own role, the contribution they make, as well as collaborating with each other and engaging with the community,” says Holmes.
Rutland, a community seeking to re-energize itself, is home to many low-income families and recent immigrants. Misconceptions about Rutland are nothing new.
“Local residents and community groups are excited about our involvement because we will be able to assist them with some of their own projects, and with helping the neighbourhood overcome negative stereotypes,” says Holmes.
The Dig Your Neighbourhood project is a partnership of UBC, Welcome Wagon, artsVEST BC, the Eco Art Incubator, Lake Publishing and the Uptown Rutland Business Association.
Above info extracted from Extracted from UBCO Eco Art Incubator, April 2014
Rutland Residents Association 2014 Annual General Meeting
February 21, 2014

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday Feb 20th, 7:00 pm at the Rutland Centennial Pool Hall.
You can download the Minutes from Last Months General
Meeting Here Minutes 2014
02 15 RRA Jan. 15,2014
You can download the Agenda here Agenda AGM 2014 02 20
The Minutes for last Years 2013 AGM will be availabe at the meeting
The Finacial Report from Last Years AGM will be available at the meeting upon request
Rutland Pilot Project: OUR RUTLAND, $100,000.00 Worth of Ideas, Rutland granted $ 100,000, Rutland Residents decide how to use it.
February 5, 2014

Roxby Park, Rutland – Kelowna, BC
Yes, it is true. Rutland has been awarded a one time grant of $ 100,000.00 The residents of Rutland are to decide how to spend the grant. The Pilot Project named ‘Our Rutland’ it a joint effort by the City of Kelowna and The Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team. We have had several meetings prior to today’s presentation to the City Council to help steer the Our Rutland project.
The aim of the project is to bring people of Rutland together, think about our community, and ponder what changes we would like to see in Rutland. The project has some guidelines as to how the funds are to be used. They are:
$100,000 is available for Our Rutland projects which can be used towards either one large project or several smaller projects. Projects can be capital infrastructure or community program initiatives and must deliver on the following parameters:
· One time funding (not on-going operational funding)
· Are within the limits of the Rutland Town Center boundary (see attached map)
· Needs to be implemented and/or constructed by September 30th, 2014
· Ideas not to exceed the $100,000 budget allocated (unless external funding is secured)
· That the community has a say and is involved in the
Get involved and put your ideas down visit
(web page no longer exists)
To email Our Rutland Group send email to
====================The Empty Lot at the corner of hwy 33 and Rutland Road, Would you do anything here? Pop Up Park??

The Empty Lot at the corner of hwy 33 and Rutland Road, Would you do anything here? Pop Up Park??
Do you think anything could be done with the empty lot at the corner of Higway 33 and Rutland Road?
A welcome sign to Rutland? While I was in Hamilton Ont I ran into this… the satellite town of Westdale welcomes visitors to their town center.
Meeting tonight, discussion on captial projects spending.
January 15, 2014

Lights at Roxby Park
At tonight’s Rutland Residents Association we will discuss the Pilot Project the City is putting forth to the Rutland area; i.e. if we were allocated a significant amount of money, what projects, or improvements would we want to undertake? We will be putting together our thoughts tonight.
Agenda for tonight’s meeting can be had by clicking here aagenda-2014-01-15 corrected
The minutes for the last meeting Dec 21 can be had by clicking here Minutes 2013 21 RRA Dec 21 2013
Rutland Survey Results, City of Kelowna looking towards Rutland, Dec 21 Residents Association Meeting Agenda
December 20, 2013

Winter is upon us and hopefully the shopping and cold weather won’t stop us from meeting us tonight. Attached is tonight’s Agenda and last meetings minutes. Click here for tonight’s agenda Agenda 2013 12 19 Dec 2013, and click here for last meetings minutes Minutes 2013 11 21 RRA Nov. 21, 201
The results of the UBCO Capstone Survey has been completed and you can view the survey results here Capstone URBA & TRUST-Final Paper-1
If you have been paying attention to the news you will have noticed that the City of Kelowna is looking at allocating some budget considerations towards Rutland. We will speak about some initiatives at tonight’s meeting … Hint- It is a good time to think about some capital projects for the Rutland Downtown area.
See you tonight
John Huston
====================Nov 21, 2013 Agenda, Rutland Residents Association Meeting
November 22, 2013
Rutland Residents Association Meeting Agenda available here click on the following link.
Agenda, RRA General Meeting, Nov 21 2013,
See you there, Rutland Centennial Hall at 7:00 pm, Nov 21, 2013
November 17, 2013
Below are the links to online surveys that will be analyzed by the UBCO Capstone Group for analysis.
Residents – click on this link for your survey;
Students – click on this link for your survey;
Businesses – click on this link for your survey;
If you don’t have a computer or access to the internet I will bring copies of the survey to be filled out to the Next Rutland Residents Association Meeting this Thursday, November 21, 7:00 pm at the Rutland Centennial Community Hall.
The survey is part of the plan to establish a baseline inventory of the perceptions of the Rutland community. The Survey is a byproduct of The Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team’s (T.R.U.S.T.) initiatives that stem from the Strategic Planning Meeting held earlier this year (please see previous posts for more details). The goal is to know the perceptions of our community by various user groups so that a comprehensive plan for the Branding and Image of Rutland can focus on key objectives. It is important that the survey be completed by the people of our community and I would ask that you invite as many people as you can think of to do the survey.

DO THIS SURVEY ! We Need your thoughts, A short survey for you to complete that will go a long way to direct the Image and Branding of Rutland. See below for links to the survey.
Above image: ‘CAPSTONE RUTLAND GROUP’ UBCO Marketing and Business Students, Brett, Colin, Rosana, and Connor in partnership with TRUST, have created a survey that is an essential component to further the Rutland Identity and Branding Campaign. The survey takes a couple of minutes to complete. The survey is the result of many hours of consultation and efforts that work to keep the momentum towards enhancing our community strong. This is your opportunity to give valuable input at the ground level to direct the future vision of Rutland.
====================TRUST is the new RUST
October 29, 2013
The acronym Rust (Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team) has been thoughtfully modified to TRUST – The Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team). TRUST has been busy here is a brief summary of some of the activities to date:
A meeting with RoxJones Marketing Firm was conducted to look into the feasibility and costs of having a Consulting Firm carry out a Branding (Identity) of Rutland study. Note that the Merrit Mountain Music Festival which brought revenue and notoriety to the City of Merritt originated from a Branding Study. The costs of a Branding Study to be carried out by a reputable Consulting group can cost upwards of 60k
- TRUST presented to City Council on Sept 9th, The purpose of which was to introduce the Unified Stakeholders to City Council in body. Most of the TRUST Representatives were present before Council which further added to the credibility of RUST. Kevin Hamilton attended on Behalf of the Rutland Residents Association -Thanks Kevin! The City of Kelowna did express that they were impressed with TRUST. I personally am excited with the commitment and leadership of TRUST and believe that TRUST will bear fruit. The City appreciated the presentation and expressed willingness to assist with manpower resources to help TRUSTS initiatives come to fruition.
- TRUST is utilizing UBCO Business and Marketing students to help sow the seeds for a baseline study of Rutlands Identity. Four UBCO students will conduct research to help streamline the focus of the Branding initiative. Cost… Free! Thanks UBCO Capstone Rutland. TRUSTS image team will meet with the students on Oct 23. The group will propose a survey for Residents Students and Business to carry out – the RRA will be responsible assisting with the distribution of the survey. Stay tuned for the links for the survey
What is Rutland ?
Group meets to discuss the identity of Rutland,
– the Heartland of the Valley
July 2, 2013

Rutland Road and Highway 33 Aerial Photo taken in 1958. The Heartland of the Valley.
In keeping with the initiatives laid out the Workshop (see the previous post or click ), a group of Rutland Stakeholders met to discuss the Image of Rutland. Knowing who and what we are as a community is essential for planning what infrastructure and designs changes we would like to see in the Heartland of the Valley. When discussing the enhancement of our great community and town center it is prudent to know what types of art; statures, murals, sidewalk themes, park layout, vegetation etc. would be best suit what Rutland is, and what we would like Rutland to represent. The group which is informally called R.I.S.E (Rutland Identity Stakeholders Envoy) discussed our History, Identity, Branding and possible strategies to move identity initiates forward.
One purpose of the formation of the RISE group is to get the ball rolling on the Branding of our Community. There will be more meetings in the future and seeking community involvement is a high priority. We had our local Historian Evelyn Vielvoye was present to represent our history, and we also had Patric McCormick, City of Kelowna Urban Design Planner on hand to help guide and offer his experience to the Group. It became clear on the onset of the meeting that a vital function of RUST and RISE would be to create interest in the image and branding of Rutland.
To summarize some of the discussions of the first RISE meeting:
-One outcome was clear from the meeting, that having a Signature or Banner area is at the heart of defining a community. This is consistent with the strategies outlined in the workshop. A public space that shows who we are, a space that we are proud to have and tell people about, and a place people want to come visit.
– An Agricultural theme was identified as the best identity of Rutland- this is area we now live has a rich history of orchards, farming, livestock. This is what we were, and what we still are. The growing concept of urban farming can also dovetail with this identity.
– Establishing a strategy, how do we create the space for our identity. Putting together a complete strategy; clear, concise, which has the ability to be used as a tool to allow input and discussion. This process can bring people together by creating involvement. Should be strategic with phases, targeted areas.
– Some communities utilize Branding Consultants to assist with image branding.
– Create Identity Forums for Rutland and area
– We are an Authentic Community, genuine, wholesome, Heartland is a keyword.
– We are a self contained community,
– We are a welcoming community
– We are Ethnically Diverse, rich with culture.
– A great core of independent business, restaurants
– Family, a great place to raise a family. Raising a family is why I’m here.
–UBCO, many students call Rultand home.
-We are Recreation, parks, YMCA, soccer, Big White
– Fiscally Responsible, local Bank Manager from the latest bank to set up in Rutland notes that Rutland People have a very high proportion of income or monies available for investment (its why they brought their bank to the area).
– Rutland is in a similar relationship to Kelowna as Boston is to New York. We don’t need to change who we are, we need to embrace it.
– Our Landscape Black Mountain
-We would like to be a pedestrian friendly community.
– John Rutland was here only for 2 years
– Put art in the concrete
– Get the schools involved in the Rutland Identity
– Identify the plants and animals that identify Rutland
There is lots of work to do and hopefully we will have the input of many of the people in our community. I brought the same discussion to the Rutland Residents Association the following day. Their response was similar – Agriculture is without question the theme of Rutland (and they are not interested taking on any identity that is not true to who we are, i.e. we don’t want to bring in a Bavarian Theme or something that we are not. Items that were identified that were not brought up at the RISE meeting were;
– Irrigation, Rutland had irrigation ditches and flumes throughout the farmland – water theme around irrigation
– Farmers Market; keeping space for farmers market, local produces selling their produce.
– Horses, goats, sheep,
– Expressed agreement with a signature or banner area
So the kick off for creating image and branding in Rutland has begun. I look forward to more discussion and input in this essential task of creating identity and bringing people together in the process. Please feel free to add a comment. Also please click on follow so you can stay updated with the latest updates.
John Huston, RRA President
Rutland’s Unified Voice and Rutland’s Identiy RISE
June 21, 2013

Recently the Rutland
Uptown Business Improvement Area (URBIA) took the
initiative to host a Workshop that would establish a
coming together of Community Groups, Business Officials
and Business Owners who share an interest in
Rutland. I am grateful for their initiative,
and the vision that URBIA and others have taken in
fostering this movement. I am confident that the
outcome of the workshop will benefit all users of the
Rutland Community.
The workshop has already had some positive outcomes. One outcome was that the collective group had momentarily put a halt to the Highway 33 project until some further consultation was conducted. The Ministry of Highways had included making some improvements to the Hwy 33 resurfacing project – i.e. making considerations for beautifying the road. When the resurfacing project was discussed at the workshop it became clear that some issues needed further input from Business and other groups regarding the turning lanes and how they will affect local business.
In fairness to the Ministry of Highways, they did not neglect to consult user groups as the Residents Association and URBIA were consulted prior to the workshop, and Mr. Spencer King (Sr. Project Manager with the MOT) sought out input in those meetings – But new items of concern came up in the workshop that were brought up in Mr Kings consults with the RRA and URBIA, and the influence of the collective group fostered additional consultation. The result was a meeting with our MLA’s (Hon. N. Letnick and S. Thomson) and Officials to consider the interests of various groups, and an additional Public Consultation was regarded as a prudent means to ensure that all interests had the opportunity to be heard. The Ministry was very cooperative and shortly thereafter a Public Consultation was held with the recently addressed issues included in the plans. I would like to thank the Ministry of Transportation and the members of the Rutland Residents Association who were in attendance.
Perhaps the most significant outcome from the workshop was the establishment of R.U.S.T. – The Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team.
The purpose of RUST is: “A Group of Rutland Unified Stakeholders , that aims to work collaboratively with all community groups on issues of common concern and where possible to present a united front to City of Kelowna and Senior Governments for infrastructure funding, program development, service focus and development”.
What has become very apparent to me thus-far is that R.U.S.T. ( Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team) has quickly become an effective means of getting the attention the City of Kelowna and higher levels of Government. The energy and momentum of R.U.S.T. is encouraging. City Councilors have expressed that having a unified voice for the various stakeholders of Rutland greatly improves the efficiency with which they can communicate and make decisions affecting the Rutland Area. Our hope is that by having a unified voice representing the collective interests and initiatives of Rutland we can strategically focus and simplify decision process with Governing Bodies and help expiate our causes. It is important to remember that Rutland serves as the Hub for one-third of the population of Kelowna, and that same one-third population of Kelowna is effectively represented by R.U.S.T.
Another outcome of the
workshop, and offshoot an the R.U.S.T. group was
the need to work on the Branding and Image of
Rutland. It was determined at the workshop to
create a task group that would focus on our
identity, so we can make clearer decisions on design
in our community. The newly
created Rutland Image Stakeholders Envoy (R.I.S.E. if
you will..) will be meeting shortly to discuss the
image and theme that would be representative and
beneficial to the stakeholders of
Rutland. We will have our local
historian Evelyn Vielvoye involved in the process, as it
is vital to have the History of Rutland considered
when creating an identity for the future. The need
for exploring what our identity arose when discussion
about what would the enhancement and beautification the
Rutland Area look like. If we wish to create art
projects, erect statues or change sidewalks, we will
need to have a theme to work towards. I will be
including our identity and image on the upcoming agenda
for the June 27 meeting. Please give some thought
to what kind of image of Rutland do you want to promote.
I am particularly excited about R.U.S.T. and its potential. There is little doubt that the team will be able to streamline initiatives and make Rutland and the surrounding communities which it serves a better place to live. RUST is a structured group, it has vision, good leadership and purpose. It is a political animal that represents one-third of the population of Kelowna in a simpler and more efficient means then in the past. We are still working out the governance of the group but at the moment the group seeks to include broad spectrum of Residents Associations (Rutland & Black Mountain), Businesses, Land Owners, UBCO, RCMP, Real Estate Board Rep, Parks Society, and possibly some historical or recreational representation also. The following is an exert from the executive summary from the paper generated from the workshop “Rutland Vision, Focus and Future”
“The Group was called the Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team – RUST which received widespread support from the participants including; City Hall Political and Administrative Representatives. This group would go beyond the short-term demands and interests of the community by attempting to reconcile internal differences and presenting a unified front for City Hall and Senior Government Officials. This was welcomed by City Hall Officials as for them, it is much easier to address the needs of one unified group than a myriad of competing interests. This is a unique model of cooperation between business, residents and interest groups that is not typical in B.C.
A key issue was the re-making of the “Rutland Image” as viewed by the outside community and as well as by the residents and businesses within Rutland. The “Image problem” for Rutland was holding back positive efforts needed to move initiatives forward. The group flagged that there was little understanding of the history of Rutland, the roots of its commerce and how/why citizens felt a disconnect with the remainder of Kelowna. To move forward, the group believes that a sort of reconciliation of the ’70’s Amalgamation Promises’ was required. The group expressed a genuine frustration that Rutland had felt ignored by Kelowna City Hall”
[ Rutland Vision Focus and Future, Executive Summary, page 4, Diehl Management]
It is important to me to note that the mandate for the group is “Unified”. R.U.S.T. is the Rutland Unified Stakeholder Team, and as such it by definition should and ought to work on those incentives that is universal to the group. From the onset I have found that the group has common interests to those of the Residents Association. The following is a list of strategic initiatives from the workshop:
-Establish One Voice
-Hwy 33 Design
-Centennial Park Revitalization
-Town Center Revitalization Strategy and Theme
– Community Beautification (needs a longer term strategy)
– Program and Service Improvements, (shorter and longer term)
As a resident of Rutland and as President of the Rutland Residents Association I am all for the Strategic Initiatives of RUST. I agree with the findings of the Workshop and endorse the Vision Focus and Future document complied by Diehl Management. I believe that the current focus of the paper to be in line with the major concerns of our present Rutland Residents Association. It is important to note that The Rutland Residents Association involvement in RUST is vital to the success of RUST and that our role is keystone in RUST’s viability. Our role as a Residents Association significantly adds credibility to the common front of One Voice for Rutland.
You can view the Workshop Summary paper here Rutland Vision Report 2013
I believe that as long as RUST remains unified with its stakeholders Rutland will win. If, as with any group representing different bodies cannot agree, or an agency feels misrepresented RUST as a whole diminishes credibility. There will be some challenges down the road as it is only natural for any group to go through the “storming norming forming” process. At stake for the Residents Association is the possibility of Residential Concerns being outweighed in the interest of Businesses or Land Owners as not all business decisions are the best for residents, and not all residential interests are best for businesses. For example supposed some land becomes available and residents and families may want an lighted-all season outdoor soccer field for their children to play on, but developers and business see a higher priority for shops and high density housing – if RUST is leveraged in favor of developing business frontage and making the enhancement of the core of Rutland its only priority then it cannot be expected that the interests of residents outside that area would not be represented by RUST.
At the moment I feel that the Rutland Residents Association has a bit of a trump card. A Rutland Unified Stakeholders Team loses significant credibility without a Residents Association. I believe that simple fact does weigh favorably in maintaining right relationship with the majority of stakeholders in the Rutland Community, i.e. the people of Rutland. As we are establishing our governance within RUST, careful consideration of the membership is vital to safeguard proper representation of all the Stakeholders. At present, with the consideration of RCMP, UBCO, two Residents Associations, Parks Society and perhaps some Historical or Recreational Representation on the membership, I believe that residents will be fairly represented within RUST.
I believe that the importance of our role as a Residence Association has stepped up a notch. The Rutland’s Residents Association has gained a new window to Government that it did not have until the formation of RUST. We have an opportunity to effectively represent the Residents of Rutland through a venue that will most assuredly have the ears and eyes of The City of Kelowna and Higher Government. We will need to be strategic with our concerns and will have to prioritize carefully. I believe that we will be called upon more often for our input and consultation on the affairs of the Rutland. This is an exciting time for Rutland and I am grateful to be a part of the momentum, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and visions for Rutland at the next meeting June 27 @ 7:00. Click here for agenda and minutes Agenda, RRA General Meeting, June 27 2013,
John Huston, RRA President====================
Higway 33 Project: Public Infromation Meeting, June 11, Tuesday 5-8:00 pm
June 10, 2013

I have been a part of several meetings recently regarding Highway 33 Resurfacing Project. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has incorporated some enhancement opportunities for Hwy 33. I have been involved in several meetings with a collective group representing the full spectrum of Rutland’s interest groups; URBA, the Parks Society, City of Kelowna, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, our MLA’s Honorable Mr Norm Letnick and Mr Steve Thompson. We have worked quite quickly to allow the Highway Project to Stay on Schedule, and the Ministry has been very cooperative in hearing our thoughts and concerns.
Of note from the meetings are concerns about turning lanes being constructed with the traffic calming initiatives that will utilize median construction. It was expressed that some business could possibly be negatively affected by turning lanes. We also want to ensure that opportunities for greening up the highway and sidewalks are not lost – as result it was decided that a public meeting that was open to anyone interested be conducted. The result is the meeting that will be conducted this Tuesday June 11th at the Rutland Centennial Hall at 5:00 pm. As citizens of Kelowna in the Rutland area, the work and that will be carried out this summer will be with us for the next 20 years, and we want to be sure that is is done right. It is short notice, and we have done what we can to inform the public, and due to the nature of paving work if we did not get consultation of groups and citizens done soon the resurfacing and curbing work would be put off one full year.
It is very important for our voices be heard. I would want to emphasize to the City of Kelowna and to the Ministry that we are passionate about the visual appearance to the main artery through our community. Residents in the Rutland, Ellison and Black Mountain Communities also use the road extensively area and I would like to make it clear that vegetation be included in the design at the outset of the project. We have discussed vegetation along the medians and sidewalks, as well as provision for lighting of trees and allowances for public art and statues. The ministry will incorporate waterlines and electrical conduit to make allowances for future beautification of the Hwy. This is an opportunity to have a voice in making input into future developments for hwy enhancement and to motivate the City to consider enhancements. I will be there and hope you can make it too.
For a summary of the consultation we had with Mr Spencer King at our last Residents Association Meeting click on the following link to get the minutes from the May 23 Meeting. RRA minutes May 23, Spencer King
John Huston
====================Agenda and Minutes for May 23 Meeting, with the Senior Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Project Manager
May 18, 2013
Get your reading glasses on and come prepared for the next Rutland Residents Association Meeting this Thursday, May 23 at 7:00 pm. I have added a link that will take you to the City of Kelowna Projects for 2013. Please take the time to review projects in the Rutland area so you can be prepared for the upcoming meeting. This should be an excellent meeting for residents who are wondering what is going on in our community; what is happening to Highway 33, and be heard by Mr Spencer King, Senior Project Manager with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. This would also be a great time to invite a guest to our meeting. I expect that we will all have many questions and I would like to suggest that you write your thoughts down we can perhaps compile a list of our thoughts. I plan to give Mr King a list of some of our concerns that have been brought up at previous meetings. Below are three links; Agenda, Minutes and projects for 2013 in Kelowna/Rutland.
Did you know that you can add your concerns to this webpage, click on Leave a reply at the bottom and add your thoughts.
Agenda link May 23 2013:
Agenda, RRA General Meeting, May 23 2013,
April 25 2013 meeting minutesRRA April 25 2013, Meeting Minutes
City of Kelowna Projects. Click on link and scroll down to see projects in the Rutland Area.
====================Highway 33 Project, Guest Speaker Mr Spencer King
– Next meeting May 23 7:00 pm
May 7, 2013
Please come out and listen to Guest Speaker Mr Spencer King, Senior Project Manager Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Mr King will provide a full description of the project scope and share some design information with us. Of note will be the developments on Highway 33, Bus pull outs and various other changes that would be of interest. You can view some of the projects that are planned at the following link Construction_Projects_2013
This will be a great opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback to Mr King and plug into the works that are planned for our area.
Thank You 1st Beaver Scouts! The essence of community
April 27, 2013

For the third year in a row the members of the 1st B.E.A.R. Beaver Scouts (ages 5-8) have chosen Rutland Centennial Park to do a spring clean-up of during clean-up week. They ask nothing for doing this they do it for community service. Great Job Scouts! And thank you Scout Leaders for your time in bringing up our children.
Before…… Rutland Transit Exchange, Shepard Road, Asher Road, April 24 2013.
April 25, 2013

Rutland Residents Association April 25th Agenda
April 25, 2013
Good day Residents of the Kelowna Community of Rutland!
Its time again for our next meeting. Click on
the following link for the agenda for tomorrows
meeting. RRA
General Meeting Agenda Mar 21 2013-2
RRA__ General
April 25 2013
We will have a presentation regarding recreation in out communities so bring your listening hats. The minutes for last months meeting Mar 21 can be viewed by clicking on the following link: minutes March 21, 2013

New Web Address for Rutland Residents Assoicaiton !!!
April 20, 2013
rutlandra com (no longer belongs to the association)
Rutland Residents Association Web Address is here. Simple and hopefully easy to remember. Add the letters ‘ra’ to the end of Rutland and use the most popular domain ever ‘dot com’ and thats it! Please share it with your friends and acquaintances.
Meeting April 25 2013, 7:30pm, Centennial Hall Pool Room
April 20, 2013
MEETING, April 25 7:30pm
Our next meeting will be Thursday April 25 at 7:30 pm at
the Rutland Centennial Pool Room. We should have a few
guests who will give us community updates and request some
Update on Projects in Rutland Area
April 19, 2013
There are serveal projects slated for work this year in the Rutland area, vist the Kelowna City website at (web page no longer exists) for more details
Sidewalk Network Expansions:
– Hardie Road,
– Muir RD, Myron Road, Merrifield Rd
– Pearson Road
Transit Improvements
– Shepard Rd Transit Exchange
– Douglal Street Pedestrian Improvements
– Highway 33 Bus Pullouts
I am hoping that we can get Mr King from the Ministry of Transportation to speak to us regarding the Rutland Road resurfacing and safety improvements that are coming up for Tender.
====================Build Swimming Pool to Save Lives!
March 26, 2013
A great read on the Rutland Community; and how building a swimming pool saved lives.
The first Rutland community Hall had been built in 1919. There were trees on the site and three large stumps were used as supports for the hall floor. The Rutland Hall Society was formed in the early twenties and carried on the affairs of the community Hall. The community Hall was the centre of Community life for over thirty years. The dances were organized and were well patronized, as the hall boasted the only spring floor in the- district’ Later a stage and kitchen were added and the Rutland Amateur Dramatic Society added dressing rooms and a front porch, and turned the space into the basement to good account.
The community Hall was in use every day of the week for many years for concerts, weddings, theatre, Bazaars, meetings, elections, poliiical raliies, High School functions, sports, and library. A group of public-spirited citizens joined to form a group who wanted to raise funds to buy 8 and a half acres of the former George Schofield property to establish a park and ball field in 1929. An application was made to form the Rutland park Society, 27th of April 1939 and it was officially granted a charter-on the 5th May 1939. The first directors weie, A. K. Lloyd, cecil Bull, Dougald McDougall, F. L. Fitzpatrick & Earl Hardie.
During the First World War, one common board of directors operated the Rutland Hall Society and the Rutland Park Society but afterwards they were separated again. J. R. Beale served faithfully as secretary of the Hall Society for many years.
At the same time there were concerns about several drowning accidents while the children were swimming in the irrigation ditches and flumes. The Rutland Park Society sponsored the construction of a Rutland Swimming Pool Pavilion, Change Rooms and Tennis Courts in the southwest corner of the park and funds were raised by pullic subscription. It was completed by July of 1939. Most of the children in Rutland then used this facility and learned how to swim through the swimming lessons program. In the winter the Tennis Courts became a skating rink when volunteers took turns to flood the rink with garden hoses during the cold spells. The Rutland Apple Jacks were one of the contenders. As Rutland was all on wells at that time, sometimes the Hall well ran dry and was supplemented by Bob White’s Garage and Hardie’s Store. The Societies mandate was to provide activities and create community spirit. The swimming pool became their first major project, making the Park a place where the people could enjoy Rally Days and sports events, and the building of a new Community Hall for community affairs and a meeting place for organized groups.
Historical Exert provided by John and Evelyn Vielvoye
March 21, 2013
Hello Rutland Residents. There is a General meeting, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Meeting will be at the Rutland Centennial Hall Pool Room. Please click below for your copy of the agenda.
Dolphins & Sails Statue = Kelowna Lakefront. ? = Kelowna/Rutland
March 13, 2013
I was thinking about landmarks in our communities. When I am in Downtown Kelowna I often run into the stunning Sails or Dolphins Statues, or if we are skating at Stewart Park, I will see an amazing Bear magnificently displayed on a pedestal. I have pictures of family sitting with smiling faces on the Ogopogo statue, and photos of them giggling on the Bear in City Park. It is almost impossible to be in downtown Kelowna and not catch a glimpse of these landmarks. These photos and images are powerful and endearing, and one cannot think of Kelowna without at the same time having these images in the back of their mind.

As I ponder our Community I ask myself if there is an image that marks the core of Rutland, or even what do we consider as the core of Rutland. I am remiss to recall one single image that stands out. I have imagined that if there was an animal stature that would be interesting and somewhat related to Rutland what would it be and where would it be located. When as child in Calgary I would often look up at the Lions that sit atop the corner pillars of the Center Street Bridge, a powerful and handsome display that I can never forget.
Sometimes as I drive Highway 33 I am reminded of parasitic check cashing venues, or the several drugstores and insurance agencies that seem earmark our society. I should rather be mindful of the great restaurants and mountain scenery, but sometimes I can focus on things that are less than par. Not that I have a great problem with their presence, but to me they are reminders of a less than perfect world. Perhaps I am being too focused on that which is not optimum, but who doesn’t want their world to be a more attractive place. I can think of may ways to make my community a nicer looking place but most often I would be better off dreaming than trying to bring them to fruition. And some people actually like some of those things that I am not so fond of… imaging that?
When I hear the name Rutland what image comes to mind. I am aware that Rutland is named after John Rutland, but I also think of Rams that are crashing into each other on grassy mountain slopes and plains.
Do you know what I mean, Rutting-Land… We have Big Horn Sheep and we have the terrain that Rutting can be identified with. So I ask myself, why can’t a Rutland Community have a statue that is as wonderful as the Fountains and Sails and Dolphins in our Downtown Lakefront Community. And I also ask myself, if we had a magnificent stature of a Ram where would it be located? Transit exchange, Centennial Park, NW corner of 33 and Dougal, near the YMCA?
Nope. If I was in charge of putting up a towering statue of a Powerful Ram, I would put it where it would be seen by the most people.. Right in the middle of highway 33. A towering statue of a Ram, atop a grassy median, welcoming all who drive towards the core area of Rutland. Imagine as you drive up the newly renovated highway 33 project, past trees that hang over the sides of the road, up through the divided highway, and there in front of you, in the middle of the median, with the beautiful backdrop of the mountains and hills, is a glorious statue of a Ram, poised high into the air atop an ornate substructure (keeping too high for the creative souls with spray-cans to tag). I digress.

Perhaps I am getting carried away. Who would fund such and idea, who would buy into the idea, do we even need it? I don’t know, but I wonder if those who had the inspiration to plan a Sails Fountain or a Ogopogo near the Lakefront had the same thoughts, and did it stop them.. No. Am I glad that they went ahead with it?
John Huston
Crossroads Treatment Center
March 13, 2013

I am still uncertain about the future of the Crossroads Treatment Center. Will it be managed in the future by Interior Health or will it be lost for good. I would be deeply saddened if the doors would close forever. I have worked with many people in recovery, and most of them who have had the privilege of going through crossroads rave about the program. They talk about how well the program gets to the core of who we are and how they are strengthened by its 12 step programing. Crossroads is indeed the crossroads in their own lives and it is a major event that bench-marked their transition to a better way of living.
Crossroads is a Hallmark institution among many throughout BC. Members in our Rutland Residents Association speak very highly of Crossroads, and they also happen to be neighbors to the facility. They speak fondly of not only being neighbors to Crossroads, but also of the people they meet at while they are out in the community. Crossroads is a light in our community and we are proud to have in our neighborhood. I am struck when I see the ‘For Sale’ sign in front of such and important landmark. Crossroads. I hope the Crossroads name does not change as it is an institution in our minds, and in the memories of the many who have faced up to the challenges of their personal development.
Is the sun setting on Crossroads? Or is it too at a crossroads, one which can change for the better or sadly for the worse for all of us. I pray it will stay in our community and that it will become greater and more significant in all of our lives.
John Huston
====================Drop by to get connected and have your say, Mar 5th and Mar 8th
March 5, 2013

The City of Kelowna wants residents to help shape its public engagement practices around projects, policies and initiatives.
“We know that engaged communities are strong communities,”
says Mayor Walter Gray. “We’re looking for ideas from
residents on how we can make it easier for them to have
their say in City-led initiatives.”
Residents will have an opportunity to have their say on how
the City should conduct public engagement activities by
sharing their insights and ideas to help inform a policy and
procedures to improve engagement practices.
Information tables will be hosted by staff in various locations across the city and residents are invited to stop by:
-Friday, Feb. 22 from 9 a.m. to noon at H2O Adventure +
Fitness Centre
-Tuesday, Mar. 5 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Family Y in
-Orchard Park Mall on Friday, Mar. 8 from noon to 5 p.m. and
Saturday, Mar. 9 from noon to 4 p.m.
Residents can also complete an online survey to express
opinions. Visit to take the survey
beginning Friday, Feb. 22. The survey closes on Friday,
March 22. Hard copies of the survey will be available at
City Hall for people without computer access. Survey
respondents will be eligible to win one of three family day
passes for the H2O Adventure + Fitness Centre or Parkinson
Recreation Centre
Spring Recreation Programs in the Rutland Area
March 2, 2013
This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Valerie Petillion , Community Recreation Coordinator with the City of Kelowna. I had discovered in speaking to her that there are more recreational programs available in the Rutland Area than I was previously aware of. I have made the error in assuming that the City of Kelowna Recreation Publication that is circulated throughout our City is Primarily a Parkinson Recreation Center publication. I have discovered that there are many activities that are held in the Rutland area within the booklet. I have also discovered that in talking to other residents of our community, that I am not the only person who associates the publication primarily with the Parkinson Rec Center.
Spring Recreation Programs in the Rutland Area
March 2, 2013
This week I had the pleasure of speaking to Valerie Petillion , Community Recreation Coordinator with the City of Kelowna. I had discovered in speaking to her that there are more recreational programs available in the Rutland Area than I was previously aware of. I have made the error in assuming that the City of Kelowna Recreation Publication that is circulated throughout our City is Primarily a Parkinson Recreation Center publication. I have discovered that there are many activities that are held in the Rutland area within the booklet. I have also discovered that in talking to other residents of our community, that I am not the only person who associates the publication primarily with the Parkinson Rec Center.
I suppose that I have come to this assumption from leafing
through the publication and finding a high amount of
programs being offered at the Parkinson Rec Center (PRC),
and I suppose that some of the images on the publication may
lead one to think that PRC is the primary location for the
listed events. But I believe that the primary
reason was that I mistakenly believed that the facilities
and infrastructure in the YMCA area in Rutland were somehow
autonomous from the City of Kelowna. Wrong… The YMCA
facility is owned by the City of Kelowna, the YMCA is the
provider/operator of the Facility. This I believe is
also true for most all the other facilities in the area
around the YMCA. When I consider all that is in the
that area: Skating/Hockey Arena, Gymnastics Center, Swimming
Pool, YMCA, BMX park, numerous soccer fields, baseball
fields, Seniors Center and more, I am quite taken aback at
how recreation-ally rich we are in Rutland. The City
of Kelowna is heavily invested in Recreation in our area,
and we are certainly richer for it.
I had once thought that Rutland was somewhat left behind in City initiatives regarding Recreational programming, and after speaking with Valerie I have certainly changed my thinking. There are many communities in Canada who spend years working and planning to bring in half of what we have here in Rutland. I do consider myself fortunate to be so close to these facilities. What I find interesting is that I find that people seem to be somewhat unaware of all that is being offered to Rutland and its surrounding communities. Click on the following link to see the 2013 Kelowna Spring Recreation Guide
John Huston
====================Evelyn and John Vielvove Recognized for Volenteer Activity.
February 26, 2013
Evelyn and John Vielvoye received an award for their volunteer work with Central Okanagan Heritage Association. We are very proud to have them in our community and as members of our Rutland Residents Association. Thank you John and Evelyn.

Congratulations Evelyn and John!
Heritage Week Schedule of Activities, 2013: February 18-24.
February 16, 2013

Good Neighbours Heritage Homes and Neighbourhoods. Click on the link “Heritage Week Activities” to open the Heritage Week Poster.
Heritage Week Activities
Heritage Week 2013: February 18-24 Good Neighbours Heritage Homes and NeighbourhoodsHeritage Week Kick-off Breakfast. Monday February 18 7:30 a.m.
February 15, 2013
2013 Invitation

Heritage Week Kick-off Breakfast. Hosted by the Central Okanagan Heritage Society and Rutland Residents Association. Door prizes and 50/50 draw. Guest speakers Dorothy Zoellner and Alice Lundy of the Okanagan Historical Society! Suggested donation $5. Kelowna Canadian Italian Club, 770 Lawrence Ave. RSVP to Click on the “2013 Invitation” link on top of the picture to see the Breakfast Poster.
Rutland Res Assoication Executive Meeting Agenda, Feb 21 2013
February 14, 2013

Photo: Rutland, Ben Lee Skateboard Park
The upcoming RRA Executive Meeting will be Feb 21, 2013 at Maria’s place. This will be an important kick off for the new Executive membership. We will do some vision and goal setting for the executive. Note that the Executive will not ratify the goal setting until presented to the General Meeting of the RRA, -to be held in March. The executive may move on some of the goals being discussed in the interest of the Association. We will seek your participation and if you cannot attend please read the agenda and add your thoughts to the blog comments. Keep in mind that this is a plastic agenda and is subject to change. Click on the link just below (RRA EXECUTIVE….) to see the agenda. John Huston
AGENDA, FEB 21 2018
Asher Road and Transit Exchange
February 12, 2013

Asher Road, Circa Feb 6 2013.
I wonder what this will look like 10 years from now. It will certianly look different when the transit exchange will be completed this summer. We have some concerns with the lighting that will be used at night… will the transit exchange offer night lighting and thereby less shadows for undesirable activity. What economic boost could occur to this area. My hope is that there would be a facelift with the new activity to the area, that it would be a hip place that would draw students and community to great shops and food, my fear is that nothing will be done.
Be informed… Let the City of Kelowna tell you whats going on.
February 4, 2013
The City will automatically email you information. You now wont have to search for bylaw changes proposal developments city meeting minutes and the like.. go to this link You can then choose what information you want to have automatically emailed to you. Thanks Eric Carr and City of Kelowna
Use your smart phone map function to tell the City of Kelwona about a Pothole…?
February 4, 2013
John Huston